Writing a C# Plugin to expand Nakama Server

Dear Heroic Labs and Users,

My name is Kovic,
and I am curious if we could write a plugin in C# to expand the server features like Lua, JS or Golang do.

Are there any useful resources or previous attempts to do so? Is it possible at all to build such a thing in a short time? I don’t any enough experience in writing plugins.

I like to mention that our way of doing and handling the game logic was to use Nakama for its great and ready-made features and ran our game logic on a different server written in C# (also our client is written in C# too) and Nakama acts like a gateway between the Client and our game logic plus its features. Though my colleague mentioned that if we could just write a plugin to expand the Nakama and don’t build a separate program that makes an extra communication between them which could be a burden.


Hello @Mehdikovic,

Currently Nakama only supports custom code in Lua, JS or Go so if you’d like to run your game logic in Nakama too you’d have to port your code over to one of these languages.

We’d like to add more languages support in the future but as of now there’s no short-term plan or timeline to do so.


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