Lua client for Love2D, Defold, Solar2D, etc?

I looked through this a little bit yesterday, and it seems pretty straight forwards. Here’s my thoughts in no particular order…

  1. I’ll shoot for Solar2D/CoronaSDK first because that’s what I’m most comfortable in
  2. Some of the modules you are importing are already included, so I might use the pre-installed json, base46, etc.
  3. Solar2D/CoronaSDK will probably need a few plugins to keep from having to also port britzl’s libraries over.
  4. I’m a little concerned about WebSockets, that was a paid plugin on that platform, so I don’t know what the adoption would be like if there’s a paid/closed source dependency

This may work though…

Anyway, I’ll open that can of worms when I get to it :slight_smile:

  1. My current TCP/UDP library uses “enterFrame” to poll the sockets and converts them to “events” that anything can subscribe to. This seems to work on more of a coroutine with async callbacks.

We’ve got a game release tomorrow, so I’ll pick this back up once things settle down.

Awesome work!