Using Nakama without DB

I’m planning to use Nakama for my multiplayer game which is already integrated with Google Play Game Services for authentication and leaderboards.

I just want to integrate with Nakama for multiplayer features (match making & real time multiplayer). I want to continue to use Google SignIn and I proved that I can link Google with Nakama account without any problem. However, it requires a DB even though I’m not using any other Nakama features (leaderboard etc.). I can see it adds a record to Users collection each time I link a new Google user with Nakama.

I don’t want to store any data in my own servers for various reasons, like extra cost, data privacy issues etc.

So, Is there any way to run Nakama for multiplayer without deploying a database?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @briar welcome :wave:

So, Is there any way to run Nakama for multiplayer without deploying a database?

No. There’s no way to run Nakama without a database engine. The server is designed to identify players and create persistent user accounts. If you believe it’s worthwhile you could use device or custom authentication with a generated ID and then use a cron job or similar to wipe the database every X number of hours.