RPC function not found

Решил накаму поставить на VDS, но эта ошибка появилась при попытке что-то засунуть в хранилище

=== Nakama : DEBUG === Request 4 returned response code: 404, RPC code: 5, error: RPC function not found

при запуске docker-compose.yml появилось больше предупреждений

nakama | {"level":"warn","ts":"2020-08-20T07:25:40.186Z","msg":"WARNING: insecure default parameter value, change this for production!","param":"console.username"}

nakama | {"level":"warn","ts":"2020-08-20T07:25:40.186Z","msg":"WARNING: insecure default parameter value, change this for production!","param":"console.password"}

nakama | {"level":"warn","ts":"2020-08-20T07:25:40.187Z","msg":"WARNING: insecure default parameter value, change this for production!","param":"console.signing_key"}

nakama | {"level":"warn","ts":"2020-08-20T07:25:40.187Z","msg":"WARNING: insecure default parameter value, change this for production!","param":"session.encryption_key"}

nakama | {"level":"warn","ts":"2020-08-20T07:25:40.187Z","msg":"WARNING: insecure default parameter value, change this for production!","param":"runtime.http_key"}

Ubuntu 18.04

there are still mistakes in the godot, I can throw it here

@darvin7531 Have you followed the instructions on the Godot demo README. You’ve got to set up the server with the server side code as well otherwise the demo will not be able to complete all functions. See the README for the details:
