Missing notifications

Nakama has some notifications defined and they are automatic. In the documentation for the chat it’s mentioned Users will receive an [in-app notification] when a request to chat has been received, but in the defined notifications for this case it is missing.

For friends, there are only 2 notifications:

-User X wants to add you as a friend.
-User X accepted your friend invitation.

Important ones are missing such as:

  • User X removed you from the friend list
  • User X blocked you from

Why it’s missing? Any chance it will be added? Does that mean we have to write these notices for the mentioned cases ourselves?

Hello @K8theGR8,

The request to chat would be a notification with code -1, the receiving user then has to join the channel to start receiving messages from it in real-time.

You can send custom notifications registering after hooks for the remove friend and block friend APIs.
