Could not authenticate google profile

I am developing google authentication using GPGS in unity. I’ve already set up my test Google Developer Console account. The issue is that i am getting Could not authenticate google profile error. while performing var session = await client.AuthenticateGoogleAsync(token);
What is the issue about? Am i have to set up nakama or pass my client id from Google Developer Console to make it work?

Hi Umar
If you are using Unity with GooglePlayGames 0.11.1 (or higher) then authentication has changed and you need extra config in Nakama. This is presumably true for other dev platforms too.

Documentation is somewhat patchy, but essentially download the json file that goes with your web client credentials. It is a download link next to your client secret. Add it to you config.yml file like this:

  credentials_json: |
      "web": {
        "client_id": "...",
        "project_id": "...",
        "token_uri": "...",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...",
        "redirect_uris": [