Removing matchmaking ticket isn't being updated on players other than party leader

  1. Versions: Nakama v3.23.0-r2-mc+11a95d5, Unreal Plugin v2.10

I’m using parties to create matchmaking tickets and make players play together. When NakamaRealtimeClient::AddMatchmakerParty is called, players in party receives NakamaRealtimeClient::PartyMatchmakerTicketReceived callback to let them know matchmaking is started. But if party leaders calls NakamaRealtimeClient::RemoveMatchmakerParty, players don’t receive NakamaRealtimeClient::PartyMatchmakerTicketReceived so they are unaware of matchmaking being cancelled. Is this the expected behavior? Do I need to provide this information to players in party myself? Or is there any callback missing that I could use for this?

Hello @MetaCan,

Currently the party leader is responsible of notifying the other party members of these events.
