Realtime Chat Content Lenght Limit

Is there a limit to the lenght of the content of realtime messages? I just got kicked out from the socket when I exceed some kind of lenght like 3500 chars. Is there such a limit and I dont get any exception in that case even in try catch format.


@stombee The max length of a chat message is a restriction placed on the server by the database engine. We use a JSONB column type to store the content and it has a max size limit of 1,024 MB (approx. 1GB).

I just got kicked out from the socket when I exceed some kind of lenght like 3500 chars.

This is because you need to set the socket.max_message_size_bytes <val> setting in the server. You should adjust it to a value which fits what you expect to be the upper size of a realtime message on the socket.

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