partyInfo Not Receive

so we are using Nakama party system , but when we use the variable returned by createParty → FNakamaParty, it seems to not be updating with the latest information about newly joined members…

[FNakamaParty partyObject;]

void UBackendGameinstance::OnCreatePartySuccess(FNakamaParty Party)
partyId = *Party.Id;
partyObject = Party;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT(“Successfully created party: %s”), *Party.Id);

these things are we Tried.

Is there a listner or socket that we should activate or subscribe to on each client in order to recieve the latest information about party members?

@Albertcleetus it would help greatly if you’d please start formatting the code in your posts, it would make it much easier to parse.

You should also subscribe to party events (see Clarification on party presence events - #2 by sesposito) to receive incremental updates.

For Creating Party, I created this Function,
In this I used partyobject variable with Fnakamaparty type, but we didn’t get the userpresences in that data, IF any one joins or Leaves.

void UBackendGameinstance::Creatyparty(bool openparty, int32 maximumPlayers)
bool Open = openparty;
int32 MaxPlayers = maximumPlayers;

FOnCreateParty CreatePartySuccessDelegate;
CreatePartySuccessDelegate.AddDynamic(this, &UBackendGameinstance::OnCreatePartySuccess);

FOnRtError CreatePartyErrorDelegate;
CreatePartyErrorDelegate.AddDynamic(this, &UBackendGameinstance::OnCreatePartyError);

rtClient->CreateParty(Open, MaxPlayers, CreatePartySuccessDelegate, CreatePartyErrorDelegate);


void UBackendGameinstance::OnCreatePartySuccess(FNakamaParty Party)
partyId = *Party.Id;
partyObject = Party;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT(“Successfully created party: %s”), *Party.Id);

void UBackendGameinstance::OnCreatePartyError(const FNakamaRtError& Error)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT(“Error creating party: %s”), *Error.Message);

This is the Function for Joining party

void UBackendGameinstance::JoinParty(FString party_ID)

	FOnJoinParty JoinPartySuccessDelegate;
	JoinPartySuccessDelegate.AddDynamic(this, &UBackendGameinstance::OnJoinPartySuccess);

	FOnRtError JoinPartyErrorDelegate;
	JoinPartyErrorDelegate.AddDynamic(this, &UBackendGameinstance::OnJoinPartyError);

	rtClient->JoinParty(party_ID, JoinPartySuccessDelegate, JoinPartyErrorDelegate);


void UBackendGameinstance::OnJoinPartySuccess(FString PartyId)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT(“Successfully joined party: %s”), *PartyId);



void UBackendGameinstance::OnJoinPartyError(const FNakamaRtError& Error)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT(“Error joining party: %s”), *Error.Message);

@Albertcleetus you’re still not formatting the code in a readable way, please have a look at how the forum markdown works.

@sesposito This is the same code given in your docs ,
we just changed to our code only.
Otherwise please tell , how we receive the update userpresence in the party created/joined, if user leave or joins same party.
that’ only i want.
please help me

You need to subscribe to all the relevant events:

Thank you.

it would help greatly if you’d please start formatting the code in your posts, it would make it much easier to understand me.
@sesposito From this
which one will i call for the user presences updates as per the user joins or leave.