Leveraging Nakama's Real-Time Multiplayer Features for Dynamic PvP Modes


I am currently exploring how to design a dynamic PvP (Player versus Player) mode using Nakama’s real-time multiplayer features. Specifically, I’m looking for advice on how to integrate real-time multiplayer gameplay that scales effectively with a large number of players while maintaining smooth performance. My goal is to create a mode where players can engage in competitive matches with varying levels of player skill, game balance, and real-time interaction. :slightly_smiling_face:

From my understanding, Nakama provides features like multiplayer matchmaker and real-time presence updates, but I’m curious how others have approached these tools to handle high-concurrency PvP modes without running into performance bottlenecks. I’m considering using features like matchmaking for balanced player distribution, but I’m unsure how to handle asynchronous game states across different regions or time zones, especially when players are dropping in and out of sessions. :upside_down_face:

Additionally, I’d appreciate insights on designing a system that could allow for player persistence (e.g., retaining player stats or progress) across multiplayer sessions while ensuring a fair and competitive experience. :slightly_smiling_face: Checked Multiplayer Engine - Heroic Labs Documentation selenium documentation guide for reference .

I’m also looking for suggestions on managing game session data to ensure all players are properly synced with each other during intense gameplay moments. Any best practices for designing such modes with Nakama’s real-time multiplayer functionality would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face: