How to use MatchJoinAttempt Reason in client

I return few values in MatchJoinAttempt. I want to use that in unity client to show to the user.

const online_random_matchJoinAttempt: nkruntime.MatchJoinAttemptFunction<GameState> = function (ctx: nkruntime.Context, logger: nkruntime.Logger, nk: nkruntime.Nakama, dispatcher: nkruntime.MatchDispatcher, tick: number, state: GameState, presence: nkruntime.Presence, metadata: {
    [key: string]: any
}): { state: GameState, accept: boolean, reason: string } | null
    logger.debug('matchJoinAttempt --> : ');

    for (let key in metadata)
        logger.debug(`matchJoinAttempt --> Key is: ${key}, Value is: ${metadata[key]}`);

    if (state.presences[presence.sessionId])
        logger.debug('matchJoinAttempt --> : Already joined');
        return {
            accept: false,
            reason: "Already joined"

    // Check if match is full.
    if (connectedPlayers(state) == state.maxPlayers)
        logger.debug('matchJoinAttempt --> : Match is full');
        return {
            state: state,
            accept: false,
            reason: "Match is full"

    //if the game is already started
    if (state.gameStarted)
        logger.debug('matchJoinAttempt --> : Match is already started');
        return {
            state: state,
            accept: false,
            reason: "Match is already started"

    return {
        accept: true,
        reason: "Join success"

In unity

 private async void ContinueToJoinPrivateRoom(string roomName)
                //First get the actual room code using the short code. this fetches the real room id from the server storage
                var jsonObject = new { roomCode = roomName, gameMode = "online_private" };
                var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonObject);

                var response = await _socket.RpcAsync("rpc_get_short_room_code", jsonString);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Payload))
                    var matchResponse = JsonUtility.FromJson<MatchIdResponse>(response.Payload);
                    var match = await _socket.JoinMatchAsync(matchResponse.matchId);
                    _currentMatchID = match.Id;
                    _logger.PrintLog("Response payload is empty", LogType.Error);
            catch (ApiResponseException)
                _logger.PrintLog("Failed to join match");

In Unity it just throws an error in JoinMatchAsync method

WebSocketException: Match join rejected
Nakama.Socket.SendAsync (Nakama.WebSocketMessageEnvelope envelope) (at <cec673f2491249a5929c0733c26b2fce>:0)
Nakama.Socket.JoinMatchAsync (System.String matchId, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] metadata) (at <cec673f2491249a5929c0733c26b2fce>:0)
Nakama.Controller.NakamaController.ContinueToJoinRandomRoom () (at Assets/Scripts/Nakama/Controller/NakamaController.cs:577)

It just throws Match join rejected error I want to get the reason as well in the client. How to do that?

@sesposito Can you please assist with this issue

Hello @Sathyaraj, in the JS runtime, the MatchJoinAttempt should return a string with key rejectMessage (nakama-common/index.d.ts at master · heroiclabs/nakama-common · GitHub) for a custom message if accept: false, not reason, is it possible you’re using outdated TS definitions?

Otherwise if you’ve seen this example in our docs, please point out where so that we can fix it.


@sesposito Yes I followed some documentation and got stuck in this situation. I will share the link if I come across it. Thanks by the way. renaming it to rejectMessage fixed the problem.