How can we search users similar like in Nakama Console?

Hi, we are using this function for searching users.

void GetUsers(UNakamaSession *Session, TArray<FString> UserIds, TArray<FString> Usernames, TArray<FString> FacebookIds, const FOnGetUsers& Success, const FOnError& Error);

But it is case-sensitive and we have to put entire ID or Username.
In the Nakama console, in the section Accounts we can use ‘%’ for prefix or suffix.
Is it possible to search similarly with Unreal SDK?

Or can we implement this search in the Go module as our RPC function?


  1. Server: Go,
  2. Versions: Nakama {2.8.1}, {Windows}

Hello @j4c0b, please have a look at Question about users_get_username.