Approaches for friends list with display names

  1. Versions: Nakama v3.23.0-r2-mc+11a95d5, Unreal Plugin v2.10

So my plan was to directly import steam friends to display it as is and not deal with add/remove kind of things. But apparently it’s possible to hide friends from Steam profile options which makes it not possible to import friends into Nakama account.

So far I’ve authenticated users with their Steam token and using <steamID>@steam as the username for Nakama. Using steam display name as the Nakama display name and showing that to the users instead of usernames. I will need to have friend add/remove/block functionality but I’m not sure what’s the best way to implement “friend search”. I don’t want to expose steamIDs to people. And there is also no add/search functionality with Nakam display names. Should I let players pick their usernames and let them search each other through that? Would it be possible to implement discriminators like Battlenet and Discord (used to) have?

Our intention was to let people display their Steam name which can change and/or duplicate so there is no “This username is taken” or “Usernames can’t be changed” issues on the user side. What are best/recommended ways for this?