Fleetmanager flow

This is my outline for using the fleet manager (note: not using the amazon gamelift implementation, custom implementation for Unity Game Services)

On unity side, a single instance can host multiple matches.
Using the nakama matchmaker flow.
During “MatchMakerMatched” a call to fleetmanager to either get or create the required server (according to available space for players on the server).

Here is my problem.
If I call fm.Join during MatchMakerMatched I make sure that the operation is atomic and the next match will not try to reuse the free spots on a unity instance. But now, at least according to the fm interface, I do not have access to the generated session ids later in the match flow when i want to broadcast them to the users

If i call fm.Join during MatchLoop, i have access to the session ids and broadcast them to the players, but now the operation is not atomic and i cannot guarantee that i reserve the correct number of players on each server.

What am I missing here ?

Hello @jell-o-fishi,

If you’re creating the match inside the matchmaker matched callback, you should be able to pass the session IDs as a params to MatchInit.

Otherwise you could also just store temporarily in a storage object you retrieve inside of MatchInit or elsewhere in your flow.

that’s what i am doing, but i was thinking this should be part of the flowmanager interface since it’s data that is related to it.

thank you.