We’re trying to catch when a join match fails because the match id is not valid (When a match has ended and a player is trying to re-join it).
Looking at this code: https://github.com/heroiclabs/nakama/blob/master/server/pipeline_match.go
It shows that all errors for joinMatch give. “Code: int32(rtapi.Error_BAD_INPUT)”. So no matter the error we always get the same error code.
And then by looking here: https://github.com/heroiclabs/nakama-common/blob/master/rtapi/realtime.pb.go you can see: Error_BAD_INPUT Error_Code = 3
But when logging the error code in unity it says 60.
Would be really useful if the client library included the error codes. So we could do if(errorCode == Nakama.ErrorCodes.BadInput).
Are the error codes listed in some documentation even? Feels a bit risky to just compare it to 60 because it kinda seems like that’s the error, although the rtapi tells us it’s 3.