Sync Network Transform on Relayed Multiplayer Match

On Real-time match, “Any data sent through a match is immediately routed to all other match opponents.” with this i can update players positions with updates.

PlayerA ->

  1. send position,
  2. get update PlayerB position,

PlayerB ->

  1. send position,
  2. get update PlayerA position,

SharedRigidbodyObject Physx->

  1. send position to players

Player Clients

  1. player get updated SharedRigidbodyObject position
  2. player can change SharedRigidbodyObject velocity etc.

In this case, i need Network Shared GameObject updated by Nakama and route data to connected players.
Unity has NetworkTransform class which deprecated with UNet

Any suggestion? Thanks.

@halukdemir We actually have an implementation we’re about to open-source as part of our Unity client sdk which handles networked game objects in Unity Engine similar to how the deprecated UNet API worked. It’s not available in a release yet.

What timeline do you need it for you game project?

Actually i need this a.s.a.p. becoz my project is depending on this feature.
Do you have projected date for releasing?

@halukdemir No official release date but I can share a copy of the work in progress code with you. You’ll need to add it to your project but could remove it when it’s available as part of the next Unity client sdk release package. Send me a direct message.

Please note until this code is part of an official release it’ll be subject to change and enhancements.