I have a strange thing happening, using latest nakama server and nakama-js bindings.
I’m sending some rpc calls with client.rpc(), and it works for one rpc call, for the other I get a json parse error (SyntaxError: “JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column 6 of the JSON data”)
Even though the object is valid json and works elsewhere, I even tried putting it in the other rpc call that works and it was fine.
I even tried putting an empty object in both rpc calls, I get the same strange behaviour with the first working and the other giving a json parse error.
Except for the different rpc method string, everything else is identical.
What could be the issue?
More info, here is the exact error at the client side.
Error sending rpc: SyntaxError: “JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column 6 of the JSON data”
__node_modules heroiclabs/nakama-js/dist/nakama-js.umd.js:4660
This looks like you are sending malformed data as the RPC response from the server to the client.
Can you print the exact output you are sending from the server to the client? What does your server code look like?
This is the exact code for the non-working function. Note that it’s mostly copied from the docs.
local function create_match(context, payload)
local modulename = 'match_handler'
local setupstate = {initialstate = payload}
if payload.label then
setupstate.label = payload.label
local matchid = nk.match_create(modulename, setupstate)
-- Send notification of some kind
return matchid
nk.register_rpc(create_match, 'create_match_rpc')
Here’s the server function that works for reference (also from docs).
local function find_match(search_label)
search_label = search_label or default_search_label
local matches = nk.match_list(search_limit, isAuthoritative, search_label, min_size, max_size)
if (#matches > 0) then
function(a, b)
return a.size > b.size
return matches[1].match_id
return nil
-- local modulename = 'match_handler'
-- local initialstate = {}
-- local match_id = nk.match_create(modulename, initialstate)
-- return match_id
And the rpc call:
local function quick_find_match(context, payload)
local match_id = find_match(payload and payload.search_label)
return match_id
nk.register_rpc(quick_find_match, 'quick_find_match_rpc')
I think the reason why the find_match
function works is that it is returning nil
- where as create_match
always returns a string value.
Try wrapping the output of the RPCs with an object like this:
return nk.json_encode({["match_id"] = matchid})
Thank you it worked!
For future reference, below are the working functions in one blob.
local nk = require('nakama')
local function create_match(context, payload)
local modulename = 'match_handler'
local setupstate = {initialstate = nk.json_decode(payload)}
if setupstate.initialstate.label then
setupstate.label = setupstate.initialstate.label
local matchid = nk.match_create(modulename, setupstate)
-- Send notification of some kind
return nk.json_encode({['match_id'] = matchid})
nk.register_rpc(create_match, 'create_match_rpc')
local min_size = 2
local max_size = 2
local search_limit = 100
local isAuthoritative = true
local default_search_label = '+label.visibility:public'
local function find_match(search_label)
search_label = search_label or default_search_label
local matches = nk.match_list(search_limit, isAuthoritative, search_label, min_size, max_size)
if (#matches > 0) then
function(a, b)
return a.size > b.size
return matches[1].match_id
return nil
local function quick_find_match(context, payload)
local match_id = find_match(payload and nk.json_decode(payload).search_label)
return nk.json_encode({['match_id'] = matchid})
nk.register_rpc(quick_find_match, 'quick_find_match_rpc')