Relationship between users API?

Hi folks, as the documentation recommends avoiding making actual SQL queries myself, I’m in the process of going through my codebase and giving examples of cases where I have dropped down to that abstraction in order to help future runtime API ideas

One of the first times I used SQL was for data backing a user profile page where we want to know whether someone follows another user, the SQL itself is pretty simple:

SELECT state FROM user_edge
  WHERE (destination_id = $1 AND source_id = $2)

But right now it can only come by having the full user friend list in memory, and it’d be nice to not need that in certain cases

It could be as simple as nk.friendsRelationship(from, to) with null being no relationship, and a value being the code used elsewhere

  1. Versions: Nakama 3.15
  2. Server Framework Runtime language (If relevant) N/A