Im doing some heavy wiring to work with nakamas database, and it works. But I do struggle to understand how to structure some things when it comes to the storage engine.
The image below demonstrates how i store data of a character on an account. One account can have many characters so each is identified with a unique id as shown in the image below.
Now I want to create a guild system in the game.
My approach to this would be to store an object like so:
type GuildApiModel sturct {
Id string
Name string
Members []string
This object would then be stored in the engine as such:
Collection. Key. User.
id_of_guild. guild_info. server_id
from that table i can fetch the guild and its members (ids).
The problem is, when the player is logging in, he needs to get the data from the guild he has joined. If i use this approach, i need to fetch all the guild records from the storage and iterate over all the members to find his guild and add that to the response. This doesn’t feel this is the right approach.
Im very used to work with coupling tables (mysql) where we can use foreign keys to get the correct data. How am i suppose to think and approach cases like this?
I could also store the guild id in players metadata to get fast access to the guild record. This is probably what I would do, but then i need to manage data on 2 records all the time. If the player leaves the guild, remove him from the guild data and the players meta data etc… still doens’t feel right.
Best regards,