Matchmaker process missing index

I think I found the reason. After I commented out the added MatchmakerFilter, it became normal. But I want to know what is the real reason? Previously, this function MatchmakerFilter was added for the 2v2v2 situation. 3808

	//if err := initializer.RegisterMatchmakerOverride(logic.MatchmakerFilter); err != nil {
	//	logger.Error("Unable to register: %v", err)
	//	return err
func MatchmakerFilter(ctx context.Context, logger runtime.Logger, db *sql.DB, nk runtime.NakamaModule, candidateMatches [][]runtime.MatchmakerEntry) (matches [][]runtime.MatchmakerEntry) {
	for index, entries := range candidateMatches {
		totalNum := len(entries)
		logger.Debug("MatchmakerFilter entry group:%d", totalNum)
		if totalNum%2 == 1 {
			matches = append(matches, candidateMatches[index])
		tickets := make(map[string]int, totalNum)
		for _, entry := range entries {
			logger.Debug("MatchmakerFilter single entry:%v ", entry, "ticket: %v ", entry.GetTicket(), "GetProperties: %v", entry.GetProperties(), "GetPartyId: %v ", entry.GetPartyId())
			tickets[entry.GetTicket()] += 1
		numArr := make([]int, 0, len(tickets))
		for _, num := range tickets {
			numArr = append(numArr, num)
		if internal.FindPairWithSum(numArr, totalNum/2) == nil {
			logger.Debug("MatchmakerFilter entry group not match,numArr is %v", numArr)
		} else {
			matches = append(matches, candidateMatches[index])
	return matches

I want to know what’s wrong with MatchmakerFilter @ftkg @sesposito