Matchmaker Min-Max

export const beforeMatchmakerAdd: nkruntime.RtBeforeHookFunction<nkruntime.EnvelopeMatchmakerAdd> = function (ctx: nkruntime.Context, logger: nkruntime.Logger, nk: nkruntime.Nakama, envelope: nkruntime.EnvelopeMatchmakerAdd): nkruntime.EnvelopeMatchmakerAdd | void {

    envelope.matchmakerAdd.query = "*"
    envelope.matchmakerAdd.minCount = 30
    envelope.matchmakerAdd.maxCount = 30

    return envelope;

I set the min and max values of matchmaker to 30. In the test environment, 30 people search the game at the same time, but 30 people cannot match at once. Is there something wrong with what I did or is there somewhere I should check?

I solved the problem, it was a situation related to those who entered with the party. In addition, using Envelope Matchmaker And, I also override made those who entered with the party.

export const beforePartyMatchmakerAdd: nkruntime.RtBeforeHookFunction<nkruntime.EnvelopePartyMatchmakerAdd> = function (ctx: nkruntime.Context, logger: nkruntime.Logger, nk: nkruntime.Nakama, envelope: nkruntime.EnvelopePartyMatchmakerAdd): nkruntime.EnvelopePartyMatchmakerAdd | void {

    envelope.partyMatchmakerAdd.query = "*"
    envelope.partyMatchmakerAdd.minCount = 30
    envelope.partyMatchmakerAdd.maxCount = 30

    return envelope;