i need leaderboard for clans in nakama? is there any best practices?
i know there are many ways to do it but just simply instead of saveLeaderboardScore with userId saving it with clan id can make the leaderbord but i think its not possible.
in general a group score is sum of its users scores.
is there any best practice for it?
If you use the authoritative leaderboard API then I think you can make the score’s owner ID anything you want. The docs also specifically mention this:
All records belong to an owner. This is usually a user but other objects like a group ID or some other custom ID can be used
I imagine it’s more efficient for each group member to score to a single group ID than to query every member of every group and tabulate the sum of their scores, but I can’t say for certain. I also don’t know how concurrent writes are handled if many players in a group score at the same time, but that’s the sort of thing I think Nakama handles well.
@od-jg is correct, if there’s no need to keep the individual scores around, then the best way to handle it is to set up a leaderboard with incr operator, any submitted score with the guild ID will be added to the existing score. The increment is handled in the db so concurrent updates are safe.