How to create index about json object?

Pagination is not supported in storage search, you should fetch all results and break it into pages yourself if you want to split the results across pages.

func (n *RuntimeGoNakamaModule) StorageIndexList(ctx context.Context, callerID, indexName, query string, limit int) (*api.StorageObjects, error) {
	cid := uuid.Nil
	if callerID != "" {
		id, err := uuid.FromString(callerID)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.New("expects caller id to be empty or a valid user id")
		cid = id

	if indexName == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("expects a non-empty indexName")

	if limit < 1 || limit > 100 {
		return nil, errors.New("limit must be 1-100")

	return n.storageIndex.List(ctx, cid, indexName, query, limit)

I found limit max is only 100…can increase any way? @sesposito

this also need your help .thanks

Or can I modify the source code to change the number 100 to 1000 ? :innocent:
Or will you support the offset feature soon? @sesposito

We’ve increased this limit to 10000 and we’ll release Nakama 3.20 with these changes in the next few days.

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A player lists items for auction. For example, if a player lists 2 items, I want to generate 2 rows of data, but I found that StorageWrite can only write one piece of data per player. What is a good recommended method? Thanks @sesposito

You can use different storage write keys to write multiple objects in the same collection under the same user.

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thanks。key can be different :smiley: