How can I see chat history in Nakama Console?


I’m having trouble with my nakama console. In my Unity game, chat data is displayed well, but I can’t see anything in Nakama’s ‘Chat Messages’ console.

        private async UniTask CreateMatchAsync(string roomName)
                //create match
                IMatch match = await _connection.Socket.CreateMatchAsync(roomName);
                _connection.ConnectedMatch = match;

                //join chat room
                IChannel channel = await _connection.Socket.JoinChatAsync(match.Id, ChannelType.Room, persistence: true);
                _connection.ConnectedChatChannel = channel;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionUtils.LogException("creating match", ex);

        public async UniTask SendMessageToAll(string message, string title)
                string chatChannelId = _connection.ConnectedChatChannel.Id;
                string content = ChatDataJson.GetContent(message);

                await _connection.Socket.WriteChatMessageAsync(chatChannelId, content);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionUtils.LogException("sending message to all", ex);

Why might this be happening?

Hello @steven060594,

By default that page doesn’t fetch data unless you specify a search value.

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