I am using Nakama for chat and leaderboard and realtime playing.
I want to allow users shares them abilities in the game like coins r keys.
In this case, is there any kind of event that handles changing the value of any slot of database on Nakama?
and if yes, how could it be, if not what is the suitable alternative t do so?
Hi @mhdhammadeh welcome 
I’m glad you’ve had great success so far with Nakama server. I’ll answer each of your questions below.
In this case, is there any kind of event that handles changing the value of any slot of database on Nakama?
There’s no event to handle the mutation of any data in the database but there are APIs available in the server framework to update user wallets, storage objects, user metadata, etc, etc. You should use these APIs to implement parts of your game logic.
I want to allow users shares them abilities in the game like coins r keys.
You could implement this kind of game system with server logic that gets loaded and run by the game server. You can write your code in TypeScript/JavaScript, Go, or Lua. Have a look at our documentation for more info and code examples: https://heroiclabs.com/docs/runtime-code-basics/#rpc-example
Hope this helps.