Extending admin console with custom pages?

The Nakama Console is great. I was wondering is there any way to extend it with custom pages for my specific game?

For example, like creating a custom page for giving players rewards, or some other sort of specific game management page. I know I can use API Explorer and RPCs, but I was hoping to create dedicated pages/dashboards.

Regarding admin-only RPCs, what’s the best approach to keep them safe and only allow them to be invoked from the Nakama admin console – while still allowing to pass in userId (e.g. giving item to player)?

If the Nakama Console can not easily be extended directly, is there any other recommended approach where I can serve my custom game dashboard webpage in a different port and still interact with Nakama backend as an admin?

Hello @KamilDev,

Currently there’s no way to extend the functionality directly within the console, we recommend exposing server-to-server RPCs and use something like retool to build custom dashboards.

The way of preventing an admin-only RPC from being called from the client is to add some logic that checks whether the context itself contains the userId - if yes then the function is being called in the context of a player session (see the second code snippet here).

If these functions require an arbitrary user_id then just pass them as part of the custom RPC payload.

Hope this helps.