Hi, I am looking for some feedback on this before I dive too deep. I have a login screen scene and a game loop
scene. I needed Nakama connection on both scenes, initially had some issues with having 2 sessions open at the same time due to opening one connection on the login screen and another one on the game loop scene when moving from login to game. The only option I could find to fix this is to create an instance of my ConnectionManager
and just use the instance in the game scene
. First time working with Nakama, unity, and c# so are there any problems with my current code or way to improve it before I go further?
public class ConnectionManager : MonoBehaviour
public static ConnectionManager instance;
// Connection Info
private string scheme = "http";
private string host = "*;
private int port = *;
private string serverKey = "*";
// User Info
// @_username is required only for registration purposes
private string _username;
private string _email;
private string _password;
private string _passwordConfirmation;
// PlayerPrefs
private const string SessionPrefName = "Session";
// Connections vars
private IClient _client;
private ISession _session;
private ISocket _socket;
public IApiAccount Account;
public IClient Client { get; set; }
public ISession Session { get; set; }
public ISocket Socket { get; set; }
// Matchmaking
private string ticket;
// Functions
private void loadGameLoop()
public void setUsername(string username)
_username = username;
public void setEmail(string email)
_email = email;
public void setPassword(string password)
_password = password;
public void setPasswordConfirmation(string passwordConfirmation)
_passwordConfirmation = passwordConfirmation;
public async void handleLogin()
if (_email != null && _password != null)
// Create a new session
Session = await Client.AuthenticateEmailAsync(_email, _password, create: false);
// Store the session so we can restore it later if needed
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SessionPrefName, Session.AuthToken);
Socket = Client.NewSocket();
await Socket.ConnectAsync(Session, true);
if (Socket.IsConnected == true)
Debug.Log("Connection established...");
catch (System.Exception e)
// TODO Return error message to UI
public async void handleRegister()
// Check if all fields have values
if (_email != null && _password != null && _passwordConfirmation != null && _username != null)
// Check if password and password confirmation match
if (_password != _passwordConfirmation)
Debug.Log("Passwords do not match");
// Create a new session
Session = await Client.AuthenticateEmailAsync(_email, _password, _username);
// Store the session so we can restore it later if needed
PlayerPrefs.SetString(SessionPrefName, Session.AuthToken);
Debug.Log("All fields are required!");
catch (System.Exception e)
public async void handleLogout()
await Client.SessionLogoutAsync(Session);
public async void FindMatch()
Debug.Log("Finding match...");
var matchmakingTicket = await Socket.AddMatchmakerAsync("*", 2, 2);
ticket = matchmakingTicket.Ticket;
private async void OnReceivedMatchmakerMatched(IMatchmakerMatched matchmakerMatched)
var match = await Socket.JoinMatchAsync(matchmakerMatched);
Debug.Log("Own seession id: " + match.Self.SessionId);
foreach (var presence in match.Presences)
Debug.Log("Connected user session id: " + presence.SessionId);
// Awake
private async void Awake()
if (instance == null)
instance = this;
if (Socket != null && Socket.IsConnected == true)
Debug.Log("Socket is already connected");
Client = new Client(scheme, host, port, serverKey, UnityWebRequestAdapter.Instance);
// Attempt to restore the session
var authToken = PlayerPrefs.GetString(SessionPrefName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken))
var session = Nakama.Session.Restore(authToken);
// If the session is not expired use it
if (!session.IsExpired)
Session = session;
// Open socket for connection
Socket = Client.NewSocket();
await Socket.ConnectAsync(Session, true);
if (Socket.IsConnected == true)
Debug.Log("Connection established...");
// TODO fix this
if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != "GameLoop")
catch (System.Exception e)
Socket.ReceivedMatchmakerMatched += OnReceivedMatchmakerMatched;
// On unmount
void OnDisable()
if (Socket != null)
Socket.ReceivedMatchmakerMatched -= OnReceivedMatchmakerMatched;