Connected callback action not working


I registered a method on ‘ISocket.Connected’ to register the server connection completion callback, but the result was not as I expected. The callback was called, but ‘ISocket.IsConnected’ returned false. Why ‘ISocket.Connected’ not working? The callback to ‘ISocket.Closed’ works fine.

My unity editor version is 2020.3.25f1, and nakama sdk imported the latest version from unity asset store.


private async UniTask ConnectAsync()
            string authToken = PlayerPrefs.GetString("nakama.session");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authToken))
                ISession session = Nakama.Session.Restore(authToken);

                if (!session.IsExpired)
                    _session = session;

            if (_session == null)
                string deviceId;

                if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("nakama.deviceUniqueIdentifier"))
                    deviceId = PlayerPrefs.GetString("nakama.deviceUniqueIdentifier");
                    deviceId = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;

                    if (deviceId == SystemInfo.unsupportedIdentifier)
                        deviceId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    PlayerPrefs.SetString("nakama.deviceUniqueIdentifier", deviceId);

                _session = await _client.AuthenticateDeviceAsync(deviceId);

                PlayerPrefs.SetString("nakama.session", _session.AuthToken);

            _socket = _client.NewSocket();

            _socket.Connected += DoWhenConnected;
            _socket.Closed += DoWhenDisconnected;

            await _socket.ConnectAsync(_session);

        //connected callback
        private void DoWhenConnected()
            Debug.Log("Nakama server connecting?: " + _socket.IsConnecting);
            Debug.Log("Nakama server already connected?: " + _socket.IsConnected);

        private void DoWhenDisconnected()
            Debug.Log("Nakama server disconnected?" + !_socket.IsConnected);

Unity Console


Hey @steven060594 this is a bug in the .NET client. Could you file an issue on the Github? IsConnected is set immediately after the Connected callback fires.

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@lugehorsam , Just saw this issue you’ve already filed on Github. Thanks for your help!