I want to understand something about this code snippet
This code snippet is from match_handler.go link → nakama/match_handler.go at master · heroiclabs/nakama · GitHub
// Continuously run queued actions until the match stops.
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-mh.stopCh:
// Match has been stopped.
case <-mh.ticker.C:
// Tick, queue a match loop invocation.
if !mh.queueCall(loop) {
case call := <-mh.callCh:
// An invocation to one of the match functions, not including join attempts.
case joinAttempt := <-mh.joinAttemptCh:
// An invocation to the join attempt match function.
From A Tour of Go select
A select
blocks until one of its cases can run, then it executes that case. It chooses one at random if multiple are ready.
so match_handler functions will be executed randomly.
what if I have a limit to the number of players in a match, lets say 50
is it possible that 100 players joined the match same time invoking join attempt match function
func (m *Match) MatchJoinAttempt(ctx context.Context, logger runtime.Logger, db *sql.DB, nk runtime.NakamaModule, dispatcher runtime.MatchDispatcher, tick int64, state interface{}, presence runtime.Presence, metadata map[string]string) (interface{}, bool, string) {
mState, _ := state.(*MatchState)
acceptUser := true
reasonToReject := ""
if len(mState.presencesJoined) >=50{
acceptUser = false
reasonToReject = "Match is full!"
return state, acceptUser,reasonToReject
Now because match_handler functions are randomly executed unluckily MatchJoinAttempt invoked 90 times before MatchJoin is executed once, so we accepted all 90 players before invoking MatchJoin and add them to the presencesJoined
func (m *Match) MatchJoin(ctx context.Context, logger runtime.Logger, db *sql.DB, nk runtime.NakamaModule, dispatcher runtime.MatchDispatcher, tick int64, state interface{}, presences []runtime.Presence) interface{} {
mState, _ := state.(*MatchState)
for _, p := range presences {
mState.presences[p.GetUserId()] = p
presencesJoined = append(presencesJoined, p)
return mState