Access data from local.yml on runtime

Hey, is the data we set in the local.yml, like “app_id” or “publisher_key” also accessible on runtime via nakama module or something? Or would I have to read the yml file by myself on go module startup to read data from it?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @Baerikus,

If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the problem you’re trying to solve?


Hello @flavio,

for steam authentication, the documentation notes, we have to set the steam_app ID and also the steam web publisher key in the config.
I also do some steam backend calls in rpc’s and event hook’s inside my nakama go module code.
Therefore, I also need the steam app ID and the publisher key.
Currently, I have 2 places I need to modify the redundant data if one of those two IDs change, inside the config and the runtime module code.
I was curious if I could access the config values on runtime somehow built in.
That way the data is more centralized with only location in the config file.
If not i will write code that reads the config file again on module initialize and parses it, to achieve this. :slight_smile:


Hello @Baerikus,

Unfortunately, if you don’t want to maintain config keys in two locations inside the file, you will need to read the file as you suggested.


Okay, at least I’m sure now there is not already something build in / expose in the nakama runtime somewhere.

Thank you!