MatchList not works with query "label.****"

I’m trying to implement Find or Create logic for authoritative matches.
Each match has json label like {“bet”:{“entry_fee”:800,“point_value”:10},“currecy”:“INR”,“game_id”:0,"game_mode:“fast”,“is_open”:true,“max_players:2"”}
Label is created with json.Marshal() so it should be a valid json.
But, when I try to make

	limit := 10
	isAuthoritative := true
	label := ""
    maxSize := 2
	query := "label.is_open:true" \\ at least is_open
    matches, err := nk.MatchList(ctx, limit, isAuthoritative, label, nil, &maxSize, query)

matches is empty array, but one match is definitely running.
If I use

label := ""
query := "*" 

That match will be found so problem is in query syntax.


  1. Versions: Nakama 3.14, Linux binary
  2. Server Framework Runtime language GoLang

Hi @dmytro_kolbasa, please can you try changing the is_open parameter to either an integer (0 or 1) or a string ("true") rather than a boolean value.