I’m setting up nakama on a docker container. This is a snippet from my compose file:
- "/bin/sh"
- "-ecx"
- >
/nakama/nakama migrate up
--database.address $(cat /run/secrets/postgres_user):$(cat /run/secrets/postgres_password)@postgres:5432/nakama
exec /nakama/nakama
--database.address $(cat /run/secrets/postgres_user):$(cat /run/secrets/postgres_password)@postgres:5432/nakama
--console.username $(cat /run/secrets/nakama_console_user)
--console.password $(cat /run/secrets/nakama_console_password)
--console.port 7351
--logger.stdout false
--logger.level "info"
--logger.file "/data/logs/nakamalogs.log";
#--config /nakama/config/nakama-config.yml;
When I use the CLI flags for the logger they are not reflected at runtime (they remain as default). The console configuration settings confirms this.
Using the config file (commented out) works fine however, with the exact same settings. The changes are seen at runtime.
I even tried changing the names of the flags like “logger.levelyyyy” and no complaints from nakama. It just simply ignores it.
I’m not sure If this behaviour happens with any other flags.