How to increase time-out of default context for the StorageReadObjects method?

We’ve faced a problem: While we are invoking method StorageReadObjects, this error appears (very often) - “msg”:“Could not read storage objects.”,“error”:“context canceled”.

How to increase time-out of default context for the StorageReadObjects method?

@AmritaStudio It’s hard to really help without some code context, but I’ll assume you’re calling that function in a Go runtime RPC function. If that’s the case then "context canceled" is not the database operation timing out.

That error represents the client that made the request disconnecting while the request was still being processed - either the user cancelled the operation, they quit the application, their connection to the server failed etc. Effectively the operation they had requested was aborted because there would have been no way to send the reply to them anyway.

This is a common message you’ll see especially when receiving requests from clients on mobile networks. Signal loss, switching towers, quitting the application, or even backgrounding the app if not properly handled can trigger this.

Can you share more details on how these calls are being triggered/handled?

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Thank you for the help! It helped to clarify the situation a little bit. We’ll monitor the situation further.