ERROR: remote wall time is too far ahead (59m2.277734642s) to be trustworthy

I have noticed this problem where if I don’t periodically delete the entire database eventually (after a few days of using it) I get the error:
ERROR: remote wall time is too far ahead (59m2.277734642s) to be trustworthy
from nakama.

I’m using the docker quickstart. I tried searching online but couldn’t find a solution.

@Simemetti This issue does not have anything to do with Nakama server. You should read more about the CRDB database engine.

Your local wallclock time appears to drift beyond the constraints required by that database server. I suggest you run ntp or similar which is quite normal to do on server environments to ensure that the time source is synchronized. You might also join the CRDB community to ask any questions you have about how best to operationalize the database server.