Deleting the matches and chat rooms

Is it possible to delete a chat room with the messages sent in that room. Or is it necessary?
Another question is; Is it also necessary/possible to delete the matches created somehow, when we are done with them.

Sorry if the answer is already in the documents and Thanks for your help in advance.

Is it possible to delete a chat room with the messages sent in that room. Or is it necessary?

@stombee All chat channels are created on demand but chat messages are stored if the channel is marked as persistent when joined. Whether you want to delete chat messages or not really depends on the game design. If you intend for chat to be between a group of users that disappears when they leave don’t join it with persistent=true.

Is it also necessary/possible to delete the matches created somehow, when we are done with them.

Multiplayer matches (both authoritative and relayed) are created on demand as well. No data is stored unless you intentionally store data in your match logic.