Developer console shows “Console authentication invalid.”
I’ve never change the default password or username
I deleted docker (Images & containers) and run docker-compose again but still will not accept my credentials.
I used this command to remove all images
docker rmi (docker images -a -q)
I used this command to stop and remove all containers
docker stop (docker ps -a -q)
docker rm (docker ps -a -q)
Hey @Mohammed. The default credentials are just “admin” and “password”. Do you have a server configuration YML file which you pass at startup? Is it possible you’ve set new values there?
Hey @novabyte. You are right, I will explain what happen so others can avoid this.
I exported the config.yml from the developer console , and when you do that the password will be exported like this *********
on my docker-compose.yml I added this --config “/nakama/data/config.yml”
I’m glad it’s resolved. The console API is what returns the server settings which can be exported. That API will never return the actual console password because it could be a security risk.
I recommend you only put in your YML file the server settings which you’ve set that are different to the defaults. It will make it easier for you to maintain in the future.