Compile error in realtime hooks in typescript runtime server

Whenever adding a realtime hooks it is showing error same types of error. When adding MatchmakerAdd hook, it is showing as :

Argument of type 'RtBeforeHookFunction<EnvelopeMatchmakerAdd>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RtBeforeHookFunction<Envelope>

Whenver adding ChannelJoin hook, it is showing as :

Argument of type 'RtBeforeHookFunction<EnvelopeChannelJoin>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RtBeforeHookFunction<Envelope>'.
  Types of parameters 'envelope' and 'envelope' are incompatible.
    Type 'Envelope' is not assignable to type 'EnvelopeChannelJoin'.
      Type 'EnvelopeChannel' is not assignable to type 'EnvelopeChannelJoin'.


let InitModule: nkruntime.InitModule = function (
  ctx: nkruntime.Context,
  logger: nkruntime.Logger,
  nk: nkruntime.Nakama,
  initializer: nkruntime.Initializer
) {
  initializer.registerRtBefore("ChannelJoin", beforeChannelJoin);
let beforeChannelJoin: nkruntime.RtBeforeHookFunction<nkruntime.EnvelopeChannelJoin> = function (
  ctx: nkruntime.Context,
  logger: nkruntime.Logger,
  nk: nkruntime.Nakama,
  envelope: nkruntime.EnvelopeChannelJoin
): nkruntime.EnvelopeChannelJoin | void {
  // If the channel join is a DirectMessage type, check to see if the user is friends with the recipient first
  if (envelope.channelJoin.type == nkruntime.ChanType.DirectMessage) {
    const result = nk.friendsList(ctx.userId, null, 0, null);
    const filtered = result.friends.filter(function (friend) {
      return friend.user.userId ==;

    if (filtered.length == 0) {
      throw new Error(
        "You cannot direct message someone you are not friends with."

  return envelope;

Same thing happened to me. I think its an issue about type covariance.
We still can use the same function with Envelope type parameter. In function body we can cast it to the desired type.

let beforeChannelJoin: nkruntime.RtBeforeHookFunction<nkruntime.Envelope> = function (
  ctx: nkruntime.Context,
  logger: nkruntime.Logger,
  nk: nkruntime.Nakama,
  envelope: nkruntime.Envelope
): nkruntime.Envelope| void
    let channelJoinEvn = envelope as nkruntime.EnvelopeChannelJoin
    /*some logic*/
    return channelJoinEvn