Additional cmd flags for windows binary

We’re using the windows binary for local development environments, and I’m trying to figure out the best way to manage the server restarting while we develop lua modules. Is there a better way to manage the exe without clicking ctrl -c, and then issuing the up command again? I’d like to implement a file watcher than can restart the server based on changes to the module folder but I’m wondering if there are additional flags to the exe that might help with this?

Is there a better way to manage the exe without clicking ctrl -c, and then issuing the up command again?

What file watcher do you plan to use on Windows?

I’d like to implement a file watcher than can restart the server based on changes to the module folder but I’m wondering if there are additional flags to the exe that might help with this?

We’ve considered a hotreload option for the game server. I think there’s an issue open on the tracker for it. The problem is that it seems straightforward but can get quite complex because the modules can be used to activate/intercept/customize so much of the behaviour of the game server. The flexibility makes it difficult to simply reload the changed code.

There’s no flags in particular you should consider with modules reloaded except to set the modules folder "--runtime.path path/to/folder". You’d have to reload all code together with a server restart with your watcher.

It seems like adding stdout:false to the config.yml doens’t work on the windows binary. I still get the logger output in the command window where I run the server. Is that by design or a known issue. As far as file watchers go, I’ve got a power shell script working, but with the available binary commands it doesn’t seem like it’ll work.

@oscargoldman It should disable the stdout logger except I think the initial server version info, etc. Do you see different behaviour on Windows?

Oh I might have just seen the initial log entries for the server booting up and assumed it was still logging out. I’ll check again.

@oscargoldman Any news on this topic? Were you able to figure out the logging settings?

Yeah I did note that logging beyond the initial boot up messages is suppressed, and I can devert logging to a text file. None of that really helps what I was trying without a hot reload but I understand the challenges for that. I’m living with stopping and starting the local binary for the time being. Thanks!