Im currently messing with storage and trying to add a new item to an already existing one.
I have 2 functions for this purpose, populateInventory to populate it with 3 objects and spawnBuilding that its supposed to add a 4th one.
So far I havent managed to add the new building, tryied inserting with no success, it seems to overwrite the whole table with the thing to insert.
function PopulateInventory_rpc(context, payload)
local table = { building1 = {}, building2 = {}, building3 = {} };
table.building1["name"] = "Main Factory"
table.building1["id"] = "0"
table.building1["positionX"] = "0"
table.building1["positionZ"] = "0"
table.building1["orientation"] = "1"
table.building2["name"] = "Attack Tower"
table.building2["id"] = "1"
table.building2["positionX"] = "0"
table.building2["positionZ"] = "2"
table.building2["orientation"] = "1"
table.building3["name"] = "Attack Tower"
table.building3["id"] = "1"
table.building3["positionX"] = "0"
table.building3["positionZ"] = "-2"
table.building3["orientation"] = "1"
local new_objects = {
{ collection = "baseLayout", key = "buildings", user_id = context.user_id, value = table, permission_read = 1, permission_write = 1 }
return nk.json_encode({ table })
function SpawnBuilding_rpc(context, payload)
--hardcoded values in order to insert into the player's inventory
local name = "Defense Tower"
local id = "2"
local positionX = "0"
local positionZ = "0"
local orientation = "1"
--populate a table with the values to insert
local contentToInsert = { ["building4"] = { ["name"] = name, ["id"] = id, ["positionX"] = positionX, ["positionZ"] = positionZ, ["orientation"] = orientation }
--object_ids to be retrieved
local object_ids = {
{ collection = "baseLayout", key = "buildings", user_id = context.user_id }
--reading the player's inventory
local objects = nk.storage_read(object_ids)
table.insert(objects[1].value, contentToInsert)
return nk.json_encode({ objects[1].value })
When I get the json_encode I get only the values from contentToInsert, while trying to read objects instead of contentToInsert loads the previously stored ones.
Is there a simplier way to do this? What is exactly failing here?