Add deviceId to account.Devices?

I’m working on a way to store all the devices a user has logged in with that they want to log in easily to (not have to type credentials in again every time). For this: a “Remember Me” toggle when they first log in to make sure they’re cool with it. The next time the game loads there’s a button for their account that autofills the credential fields.

Initially I started by creating a new collection called “devices” on the user’s storage. Then I found that the account variable (var account = await client.GetAccountAsync(session);) has a private list of devices (account.Devices).

My question is: How do I add the current deviceId to this list? It seems I can reference it, but it’s always blank, even when I’ve logged in to the same device several times.


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@EarthAdam Have a look at the link and unlink API which is used to “link” additional authentication options to a user account? These links all become options to authenticate the user with.

It sounds like your “devices” storage table might be an adhoc way you’ve tried to build to achieve what the server already provides out of the box.


Good call, I missed that. On the plus side I have a way of allowing multiple users per device, although I imagine that’s not widely needed functionality.

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I don’t see an option to “mark as solution” anymore

No worries. Things have changed a little with the forum structure so posts with “development” but not on the SDKs don’t have a “solution” plugin enabled anymore. Maybe we should change that approach. What do you think @erlend_sh?

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Cool, I see it back. Thanks guys