About Nakama & Redis

I readed some threads and found out that the authors of Nakama don’t think using Redis is necessary.

In my case, I want one instances server to host around 100,000 players and each player maintains a list of other players and the list is updated at a frequency of 10 seconds according to other players’ state in/out the list.

Above is just one of the cases I need Redis, then my question is: without Redis, only with the features from Nakama, what’s the suggested way to handle the above situation?

Thank you in advance for the answer.

Hi @Raven you’re right in general we don’t suggest that game teams try to integrate with Redis because in our experience we’ve had no need of it with games we’ve built (which include many in the top 100 on mobile) and often find that Redis is used to cover for “poor performance” that comes from badly optimized database queries.

There are of course good use cases for Redis but are the exception rather than the rule imho.

each player maintains a list of other players and the list is updated at a frequency of 10 seconds according to other players’ state in/out the list

What is the actual gameplay use case for this feature?

For example:

  • What is this list per user maintained for?
  • When is the list cleared or reset for the user?
  • What is the expected ratio between reads and writes to this list?

Hi @novabyte ,

The list is here so that you can challenge them.

It’s updated every 10 seconds because the players in the list can enter a state that you can’t challenge them.

As mentioned, the update happens every 10 seconds and how much of the list will be updated all depends on the players behaviors dynamically.

Thank you.