Strange issue

So, I have everything set up along with a digitalcloud server and inside of Godot 3.5.3, the clients connect just fine. Exporting it, it does sometimes work with connecting and matchmaking running from the same computer both local and onine. When I transfer the exe to a usb or put it on my drive to run it on any other machine, or even running it from the transferred file on the same machine, it doesnt want to get past matchmaking and will not connect the players to a session together.

The export works fine as long as I dont try to run it anywhere except locally on my C:. Has anyone experienced this before where suddenly trying to test online connections from another device it doesnt work?

I think I found the issue but I have no idea how to resolve it. It is about the connection. I found it by adding a label to print text everywhere I thought it might be and I found it through the connection process for the session:

func ConnectToNakama():
	client = Nakama.create_client('defaultkey', '', 7350, 'http', 3, NakamaLogger.LOG_LEVEL.ERROR)
	var id = OS.get_unique_id()
	session = yield(Online.nakama_client.authenticate_device_async(id, username), 'completed')
	if session.is_exception():
		print('Connection failed: ', session.exception.message)

	socket = Nakama.create_socket_from(client)
	notification_lbl.show_message('Getting Server')
	yield(socket.connect_async(session), 'completed')

It says username is already in use. Which is strange because I dont have it running anywhere else. Is it a token issue? The print is the sessions error, so it is internal I assume. Here is the thing too. ANd let me know if this is the wrong way or right. Before doing this session, I have one for the main log in that is for registration or logging in:

func _on_Register_button_down():
	var username = $username_text.text.strip_edges()
	var password = $password_text.text.strip_edges()
	var email = $email_text.text.strip_edges()
	var session = yield(Online.nakama_client.authenticate_email_async(email, password, username, true), 'completed')
	if session.is_exception():
	if !session.created:
		notification_lbl.show_message('User is already registered')
		notification_lbl.show_message('Successfully registered! Click Log In')
	Online.nakama_session = session

func _on_Login_button_down():
	var password = $password_text.text.strip_edges()
	var email = $email_text.text.strip_edges()
	var session = yield(Online.nakama_client.authenticate_email_async(email, password, null, false), 'completed')
	if session.is_exception():
	Online.nakama_session = session
	username.text = session.username

Now, the session script initially shown is after logged in, where I try to get into matchmaking. So, the flow is register, login, connecttonakama. Is it proper to utilize var session twice this way or should it only be called on login or matching?